Phd Programs
- Massive Biosonar recordings and inversion model for new sonar generation - DGA and Amiens region Phd Thesis, Maxence Ferrari, Codir M. Asch and H. Glotin, 2017-2020
- - High Performance Computing for Blue whale monohydrophone localisation, Phd Thesis J. Patris, Codir M. Asch and H. Glotin, 2015-2018
- - Semi-supervised Deep learning for bioacoustic monitoring, Phd Thesis, Vincent Roger, Codir F. Chamroukhi and H. Glotin, 2016-2019, with NORTEK SA
- - F. Chamroukhi (dir Glotin), 'Statistical learning of latent data models for complex data analysis'
with some applications to Bioacoustics, HDR thesis, defended in dec 2015 in front to G. McLachlan, C. Ambroise, Y. Benani, Christophe Biernacki...
- - M. Bartcus (dir Glotin, codir
Non Parametric Bayesian Model - with some applications to Bioacoustics, defended in october 2015
- - Yann Doh (dir Glotin, codir Adam, co-adv. Razik, Nolibe Cesigma) A new intra-spectral monohydrophone range estimator and bioacoustic sparse coding for scaled submarine biodiversity. Defended dec. 2014, jury: Pinquier, Zarader, Gerard (DGA), Pavan, Cristini, Razik, Nolibe, Adam, Glotin.
- - Régis Abeille (dir Glotin, coll. Pavan, co-adv. Giraudet),Automatic Inter-Pulse Interval diarization - Application to scaled whale bio-population in Pelagos sanctuary [.pdf] Defended dec. 2013, jury: Sueur, Pavan, Adam, Giraudet, Glotin.
- Franck Malige, Julie Patris, Susannah Buchan, Marie Trone, and Hervé Glotin. Advanced
interdisciplinary bioacoustical analyses for cetacean observatories in chile and peru. In 1st
Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America Workshop (LAMLA 1), Natal, Brazil, 2016.
- Julie Patris, Hervé Glotin, Dimitri Komatitsch, Elwin van ‘t Wout, Franck Malige, and Mark
Asch. High-performance computing for whale sound propagation in south american oceans based
on accurate numerical techniques. In 1st Listening for Aquatic Mammals in Latin America
Workshop (LAMLA 1), Natal, Brazil, 2016.
- “Patris et al. "Congreso internacional de turismo comunitario sustentable : Conservar y Valorar”, 11-12 December
2017 Chañaral de Aceituno. " Sonidos del Pacíficos : presentación y primeros resultados de un
experimento acústico en la caleta Chañaral de Aceituno - verano 2017"
- - Glotin, Pavan, Dugan, Zhao, 'Environmental Acoustic Data Mining', IEEE ICDM 2015,, Atlantic city
- Glotin, Alecu, Big Data Sciences for Bioacoustic Environmental Survey
21 and 22 April 2015, Toulon -
- - Chamroukhi, Glotin, Dugan, Clark, Artières, LeCun, et al., Proc. of the second workshop on Machine Learning for bioacoustics - Unsupervised bioacoustics ICMLulb, joint to ICML, China Beijing, to appear dec. 2014.
- - Glotin, LeCun, Mallat, Artières, Tchernichovski, Halkias, Proc. of the 1st wkp on Neural Information Processing for Bioacoustics NIPS4B, joint to NIPS Alberta USA, Ed. 2013.
- - Glotin, Clark, LeCun, Dugan, Halkias, Sueur, Proc. of the 1st wkp on Machine Learning for bioacoustics, ICML4B, joint to ICML Atlanta USA, 2013.
Books / Book chapters
- Patris et al. SPECFEM to monitor bioacoustic sources, in Berkowitz Héloïse & Dumez Hervé [eds] (2017) Racket in the oceans: why underwater noise matters, how to measure
and how to manage it. Paris: Observatory for Responsible Innovation / Palaiseau (France): i3-CRG (CNRS – École
polytechnique). The Racket in the Oceans initiative is open to industry, policy, science and societal stakeholders, and to anybody interested in the problem of underwater noise.
- - Joly, Goeau, Glotin, Spampinato, Bonnet, Vellinga,..., Müller, Lifeclef 2014: multimedia life species identification challenges. In Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction (pp. 229-249). Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- - Soundscape Semiotics - Localization and Categorization, collected by Glotin, ISBN 978-953-51-1226-6, 208 p., Publisher: InTech, Open Book, 2014.
- - Detection Classification Localization of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics: 2003-2013, 10 Years of International Research, collected by Adam, Samaran, Dirac NGO Ed., ISBN2746661187, 298 p., 2013.
- - SAMARAN, GANDILHON, DOH, PACE, CAZAU, LAPLANCHE, LOPATKA, GLOTIN, WHITE, ZARZYCKI, MOTSCH and ADAM, Inside the sounds emitted by some cetacean species, In DCL MM using PA, Dirac Ed, 2013
- - Dufour, Artières, Glotin, Giraudet, Clusterized Mel Filter Cepstral Coefficients and Support Vector Machines for Bird Song Identification, in Soundscape Semiotics, Localization and Categorization, InTech Open Book, 2013.
JOURNAL article
- Unsupervised Bioacoustic Segmentation by Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model. Roger V., Chamroukhi, Glotin H.
MTAP special issue, to appear in 2018.
- A Real-Time Streaming and Detection System
for Bio-acoustic Ecological Studies after the
Fukushima Accident
Hill Hiroki Kobayashi, Hiromi Kudo, Hervé Glotin, Vincent Roger, Marion
Poupard, Daisuké Shimotoku, Akio Fujiwara, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Kaoru Saito
and Kaoru Sezaki.
MTAP special issue, to appear in 2018.
- Gaël Richard, Tuomas Virtanen, Nobutaka Ono and Juan Pablo Bello, Hervé Glotin edit a special issue of the prestigious IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. The topic of the issue is scaled sound scene and event analysis for indoor and outdoor environments, including applications in bio-acoustics, 2017 march
- Trone, M., Glotin, H., Balestriero, R., Bonnett, D.E. (2015). Enhanced feature
extraction using the Morlet transform on 1 MHz recordings reveals the complex
nature of Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) clicks. Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, 138, 1904.
- -
Towsey M, Parsons S, Sueur J, Editorial: Ecology and acoustics at a large scale. Ecological
Informatics, 21 : 13., 2014.
- - Potamitis, Automatic Classification of a Taxon-Rich Community Recorded in the Wild, in PLOS One, 10.1371, 2014
- Pavan G., Favaretto A., Bovelacci B., Scaravelli D., Macchio S., Glotin H., 'Bioacoustics and Ecoacoustics Applied to Environmental Monitoring and Management', Rivista Italiana di Acustica, Vol. 39 (2015), N. 2, pp. 68-74.
- Trone, M., Glotin, H., Balestriero, R., Bonnett, D.E., & Blakefield, J. (2015).
Heterogeneity of Amazon River dolphin high-frequency clicks: Current Odontoceti
bioacoustics terminology in need of standardization. Proceedings of Meetings on
Acoustics, 22, 070003.
- Mishchenko, Glotin, Mauary, Passive acoustics tracking of bats and extraction of bat
foreaging behaviour, based on TDOA and FDOA consistency
location method, Submited to PlosOne
- Lellouch, Pavoine, Jiguet, Glotin, Sueur, Monitoring temporal change of bird communities with dissimilarity acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 : 495-505, 2014, IF 5.6.
- Trone, Glotin, Balestriero, Bonnett, All clicks are not created equally: Variations in very high-frequency acoustic DAQ of the amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 136, Issue 4, Oct 2014
- Doh, Glotin, Razik, Paris, Mono-channel spectral attenuation modeled by hierarchical neural net estimates hydrophone-whale distance, Sub JASA, in correction, 2015.
- Paris, Glotin, Doh, Razik, Physeter localization: sparse coding & fisher vectors, preprint ArXive 2013, long paper in preparation, 2015.
- Abeille, Doh, Giraudet, Glotin, Prévot, Rabouy,
Estimation robuste par acoustique passive de l’intervalle-Inter-Pulse des clics de Physeter macrocephalus : méthode et application sur le Parc national de Port-Cros, in Journal of the Scientific Reports of Port-Cros national Park, vol28, 2014.
- Doh Y., Razik, Adam, Glotin, ''Codage parcimonieux pour l'analyse des chants de baleine à
bosse'', 14p, special edition, in revue Traitement du signal, Lavoisier Ed, nov 2013
- Dans le sillage des baleines à bosse, CNRS le journal, 2014.
- Halkias, Paris, Glotin, Machine Learning for Whale acoustic classification, Int. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, JASA, 2013, 5(5), 3496-3505.
Publications in Conferences
- Alexis Joly and Hervé Goeau and Pierre Bonnet and Hervé Glotin and Concetto Spampinato and Willem-Pier Vellinga and Jean-Christophe Lombardo and RobertPlanque and Simone Palazzo and Henning Muller (2017)
'Biodiversity information retrieval throughcontent-based identification: a long-term evaluation?'
In int. Journal of Multimedia Tools & Application
- Joly A, Goeau H, Glotin H, Spampinato C, Bonnet P, Vellinga WP, Lombardo JC, Planque R,Palazzo S, Muller H (2017)
Lifeclef 2017 lab overview: multimedia species identification challenge?
In: International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for EuropeanLanguages, Springer, pp 255-274
- - Winner at BirdLifeClef 1500 bird species classification challenge : Audio Bird Classification with Inception-v4 extended with Time and Time-Frequency Attention Mechanisms, A. Sevilla and H. Glotin, LifeCLEF 2017 Dublin, Ireland
- -
LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task 2017, CLEF 2017 working notes, Hervé Goëau, Hervé Glotin, Willem-Pier Vellinga, Robert Planqué, Alexis Joly, LifeCLEF 2017 working notes, Dublin, Ireland
- Fast Chirplet Transform Injects Priors in Deep Learning of Animal Calls and Speech, ICLR 2017
H Glotin, J Ricard, R Balestriero
- - Alexis Joly, Hervé Goëau, Hervé Glotin, Concetto Spampinato, Pierre Bonnet, Willem-Pier Vellinga, Julien Champ, Robert Planquè, Simone Palazzo, Henning Müller:
LifeCLEF 2016: Multimedia Life Species Identification Challenges. CLEF 2016: 286-310
- Hervé Goëau, Hervé Glotin, Willem-Pier Vellinga, Robert Planquè, Alexis Joly,
LifeCLEF Bird Identification Task 2016: The arrival of Deep learning. CLEF (Working Notes) 2016: 440-449
- - Julien Ricard, Hervé Glotin:
Bag of MFCC-based Words for Bird Identification. CLEF (Working Notes) 2016: 544-546
- Arnold Kalmbach, Maia Hoeberechts, Alexandra Branzan Albu, Hervé Glotin, Sébastien Paris, Yogesh A. Girdhar:
Learning deep-sea substrate types with visual topic models. WACV 2016: 1-9
Fast Chirplet Transform feeding CNN, application to orca and bird bioacoustics
H Glotin, J Ricard, R Balestriero
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08749 1, in IEEE ICDM EADM workshop, 2016
- Stowell D, Wood M, Stylianou Y, Glotin H Bird detection in audio: A survey and a challenge. In:2016 IEEE 26th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP),13-16 Sept. 2016 2016. pp 1-6. doi:10.1109/MLSP.2016.7738875
- Alexis Joly, Herve Goeau, Herve Glotin, Concetto Spampinato, Pierre Bonnet, et al.,'LifeCLEF
2015: Multimedia Life Species Identification Challenges', CLEF 2015, Sep 2015, Toulouse,
- Joseph Razik, Herve Glotin, Maia Hoeberechts, Yann Doh, Sebastien Paris, 'Sparse Coding for Efficient Bioacoustic Data Mining:
Application to Whale Songs',
978-1-4673-8493-3/15, IEEE 2015 Int. Conference on Data Mining Workshops
, ICDM EADM 2015
- Randall Balestriero and Hervé Glotin,
'Scattering Decomposition for Massive (Bioacoustic)
IEEE 2015 Int. Conference on Data Mining Workshops EADM
- - Bartcus, Chamroukhi, Glotin, Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model for Unsupervised Bioacoustic analysis - application to whale song decomposition, in IEEE IJCNN 2015 [ .PDF ] [ DEMO WAV files and decomposition ]
- - Cazau, Doh, Gandilhon, Girault, Glotin, Adam, Cetacean detections and environment characterization from continuous underwater acoustic recordings , In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
- - Pavan, Favaretto (and support from SABIOD), Recording and analysis of italian soundscapes, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
- - Mauuary (and support from SABIOD), Biodiversity assesment of bats population at an urban scale through dense cover of ultrasonic sensors, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
- - Glotin, Goëau, Joly, Rauber, Vellinga, Towards Scaled Bird Species Automatic Biacoustic Identification, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
- - Dufour, Glotin, Giraudet, Artières, Delcourt, Bas, Sannier, Liebault, Vigant, Buzon, Automatic classification of birds calls and songs from Provence, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
Publications in Workshop
- Trone, M., Glotin, H., Blakefield, J., Balestriero, R., Bonnett, D.E. (2015).
Collaborating across disciplines: Applying machine learning techniques to analyze
high-frequency dolphin clicks. Presented at the First Workshop of RIEMMCCA:
Network of Aquatic Mammal Specialists of Central America and the Caribbean,
joint to the 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San
Francisco, California; December 12.
- Glotin, H. (2015). Scaled mining of environmental acoustic data from temperate to
tropical forests, from ocean to tropical rivers : A convolutional feature learning
approach. Presented at the 170th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
Jacksonville, FL; November 5, 2015.
-Trone, M., Glotin, H., Balestriero, R., Bonnett, D.E. (2015), 'Enhanced feature
extraction using the Morlet transform on 1 MHz recordings reveals the complex
nature of Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) clicks', Presented at the 170th
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, FL; November 5,
- - Dugan, Zollweg, Glotin, Popescu, Risch, LeCun, Clark, High Performance Computer Acoustic Data Accelerator (HPC-ADA): A New System for Exploring Marine Mammal Acoustics for Big Data Applications, in Proc. of ICML Unsupervised learning for Bioacoustics wkp, ICMLULB2014, 2014.
- - Mathias, Thode, Straley, Andrews, Le Bot, Gervaise, Mars, Range-depth tracking of multiple sperm whales over large distances using a two element vertical array and rhythmic properties of click-trains, in Proc. of int'l wkp NIPS4B, p103, Ed. 2014.
- - Mishchenko, Glotin, Giraudet, Optimization of Levenberg-Marquardt 3D biosonar tracking, in Proc. of int'l wkp NIPS4B, p164, Ed. 2014.
- - Joly, Müller, Goëau, Glotin, Spampinato, Rauber,..., Fisher, LifeCLEF: Multimedia Life Species Identification. In Int'l Workshop on Environmental Multimedia Retrieval, 2014.
- - Joly, Goëau, Bonnet, Spampinato, Glotin, Rauber,..., Müller, Are Species Identification Tools Biodiversity-friendly?. In Proc of the 3rd ACM Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data, p31-36, 2014.
- - Goëau, Glotin, Vellinga, Rauber, LifeCLEF bird identification task 2014. CLEF working notes, 2014.
- - Dufour, Glotin, Bas, Artières, Giraudet, Multi-instance multi-label acoustic classification of plurality of animals: birds, insects and amphibians, in Proc. of int'l wkp NIPS4B, p164-168, Ed. 2014.
- - Dufour, Artières, Glotin, Giraudet, Automatic bird classification based on MFCC clusters, ranked 4th @ ICML4B Kaggle 2013 competition, in Proc. of the 1st Int'l Wkp on Machine Learning for Bioacoustics (ICML 2013), p89-93, Atlanta, USA, 2013.
- - Trone, Balestriero, Glotin, Gabor Scalogram Reveals Formants in High-Frequency Dolphin Clicks, in int'l Wkp on Neural Information proc. for bioacoustics NIPS4B, p134-138, Atlanta, USA, Ed. 2014.
- - Cazau, Adam, Classifying humpback whale sound units by their vocal physiology, including chaotic features, int'l Wkp on Neural Information proc. for bioacoustics NIPS4B, p2012-2018, Atlanta, USA, Ed. 2014.
- - Balestriero, Glotin, Gabor scalogram for robust whale song representation, int'l Wkp on Neural Information proc. for bioacoustics NIPS4B, p2018-2028, Atlanta, USA, Ed. 2014.
research reports
- Pavan, Glotin, 'SABIOD Alpin monitoring', 2015 report
- Glotin, Bartcus, Roger, Chamroukhi, Patris, Juniper, Giraudet, Knopp, Westdal, Porta,
'Scaled Unsupervised Arctic Bioacoustics: Joint Narwhal Call and Click Train Indexing',
SABIOD LSIS ONC pre-Report, 2015
- Balestriero, R., Glotin, H. CIGAL: fast C++ sIGnal Analysis tool by
waveLet, BSD licence, LSIS Report, January, 2015.
- - Pavan, Glotin, Long term recording of soundscapes in natural habitats: scaled monitoring of different degrees of anthropization of mountain habitats SABIOD research report, nov. 2014.
- - Glotin et al., ANTARES astrophysic observatory used for Physeter and Stenella monitoring : evidences on the moon and boat trafic impacts, PELAGOS 2013-14 project, DECAN project Ministère de l'environnement, 2014.
- - Richard, Dolle, with Glotin, Nouvelle Route du Littoral, Contrôles extérieurs des travaux et suivis environnementaux, 88p, report to Réunion France, winner of the public market 2014-2019, 2014.
- - Glotin, Giraudet, Patris, Malige, Razik, Paris, Balestriero, Piquet, Prévot, HERACLES: Humpback whalE Real-time Acoustics in New-Caledonia for Localization, density Estimation & Survey in the 'Grand Lagon Sud', Report to the gov. of New-Caledonia, 2013-2014.
- - Abeille, Chamroukhi, Doh, Dufour, Giraudet, Glotin, Halkias, Paris, Prévot, Rabouy, Razik, 'Détection et classification sur transect audiovisuel de populations de cétacés du nord Pelagos - Iles d'Or [DECAV]', Rapport du projet DECAV Pelagos N° 11-031 83400, Parc National, PELAGOS & Ministère Écologie, 136p., 2013.
- - Laran, Glotin, Lammers et al. Suivi acoustique des cétacés au Nord du Sanctuaire Pelagos, previous than SABIOD, 2011.
- Ricard J., Glotin, H.'Online Audio annotator for crowdsourcing', LSIS technic report, oct. 2017
- Balestriero, R., Glotin, H. CIRIL and CIGAL plateform Github wavelet tool kit
dec. 2015.
- - Descude, Prévot, Bruno, Glotin, The new SABIOD efficient low cost recording outdoor plateform (4x250kHz ultrasonic online recording on BeagleBoard), 2014.
- - Hauc, advisor Glotin, BSD SABIOD-JASON Plateform, testing and first runs on Port-Cros National Park, 2014.
- - Balestriero, Glotin, CIGAL: fast C++ sIGnal Analysis tool by waveLet, BSD licence, janv. 2015.
- - Enfon, advisor Glotin, Deep neural net for bird species bioacoustic classification, UTLN Research Report, sept. 2014.
- - Glotin, Giraudet, Bénard, 2007-2013, 'Multiple sources real-time tracking using transitivity constraints', patent 2007/06162 FR, EU, USA patent 8638641, Australian Patent 2008327744, NewZealand 606802
- - Glotin, Mishchenko, Giraudet, Joint Dopler and Time-Delay of Arrival for efficient passive acoustic tracking - application to bioacoustics, accepted by INPI, july, 2014.
Invited Talks / Conferences
- - Glotin, Sabiod is invited at the BIG DATA worskhop, french Ambassy and HSE school, Moscow, dec 2017.
- SABIOD STICAMSUD BRILAAM research at BBC report on Inia's
- SABIOD on BBC for Physters communication
- - Glotin, Sabiod is invited at the 1st Russsian - French BIG DATA worskhop, HSE Moscow and french Ambassy nov 2016.
- - Glotin, Sabiod is presented at the BIG DATA worskhop, french Ambassy Tokyo, INRIA, CNRS and NII, nov 2014.
- - Glotin, Sabiod co-organized and is presented at the Human Sciences seminary Is Big Data Beautiful? Aix-en-Provence, dec. 2014.
- - Adam, Glotin, Doh, Sabiod co-organizes the Citizen 'Fête de la science', Paris journée thématique sur les baleines à bosse de Madagascar (reportage)
- -
Adam, Marine Biodiversity and whale observatories,
in Int. Tall Ship Race symposium, 2013, Toulon.