Proceedings with previous Bird challenges
- - Chamroukhi, Glotin, Dugan, Clark, Artières, LeCun, et al., Proc. of the second workshop on Machine Learning for bioacoustics - Unsupervised bioacoustics ICMLulb, joint to ICML, China Beijing, to appear dec. 2014.
- - Glotin, LeCun, Mallat, Artières, Tchernichovski, Halkias, Proc. of the 1st wkp on Neural Information Processing for Bioacoustics NIPS4B, joint to NIPS Alberta USA, Ed. 2014.
- - Glotin, Clark, LeCun, Dugan, Halkias, Sueur, Proc. of the 1st wkp on Machine Learning for bioacoustics, ICML4B, joint to ICML Atlanta USA, 2013.
Book chapters
- - Joly, Goëau, Glotin, Spampinato, Bonnet, Vellinga,..., Müller, Lifeclef 2014: multimedia life species identification challenges. In Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction (pp. 229-249). Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- - Soundscape Semiotics - Localization and Categorization, collected by Glotin, ISBN 978-953-51-1226-6, 208 p., Publisher: InTech, Open Book, 2014.
- - Dufour, Artières, Glotin, Giraudet, Clusterized Mel Filter Cepstral Coefficients and Support Vector Machines for Bird Song Identification, in Soundscape Semiotics, Localization and Categorization, InTech Open Book, 2013.
Journal papers
- - Lellouch, Pavoine, Jiguet, Glotin, Sueur, Monitoring temporal change of bird communities with dissimilarity acoustic indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 : 495-505, 2014, IF 5.6.
- Sueur J, Farina A, Gasc A, Pieretti N, Pavoine S, Acoustic indices for biodiversity
assessment and landscape investigation. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 : 772781, 2014.
- - Stowell, Plumbley, Automatic large-scale classification of bird sounds is strongly improved by unsupervised feature learning, in Peer Journal, 2014.
- - Potamitis, Automatic Classification of a Taxon-Rich Community Recorded in the Wild, in PLOS One, 10.1371, 2014
- - Pavan, Favaretto (and support from SABIOD), Recording and analysis of italian soundscapes, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
- - Glotin, Goëau, Joly, Rauber, Vellinga, Towards Scaled Bird Species Automatic Biacoustic Identification, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
- - Dufour, Glotin, Giraudet, Artières, Delcourt, Bas, Sannier, Liebault, Vigant, Buzon, Automatic classification of birds calls and songs from Provence, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
Workshop papers
- - Dugan, Zollweg, Glotin, Popescu, Risch, LeCun, Clark, High Performance Computer Acoustic Data Accelerator (HPC-ADA): A New System for Exploring Marine Mammal Acoustics for Big Data Applications, in Proc. of the int'l wkp on Unsupervised learning for Bioacoustics, ICMLULB2014, 2014.
- - Joly, Müller, Goëau, Glotin, Spampinato, Rauber,..., Fisher, LifeCLEF: Multimedia Life Species Identification. In Int'l Workshop on Environmental Multimedia Retrieval, 2014.
- - Joly, Goëau, Bonnet, Spampinato, Glotin, Rauber,..., Müller, Are Species Identification Tools Biodiversity-friendly?. In Proc of the 3rd ACM Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data, p31-36, 2014.
- - Goëau, Glotin, Vellinga, Rauber, LifeCLEF bird identification task 2014. CLEF working notes, 2014.
- - Dufour, Glotin, Bas, Artières, Giraudet, Multi-instance multi-label acoustic classification of plurality of animals: birds, insects and amphibians, in Proc. of int'l wkp NIPS4B, p164-168, Ed. 2014.
- - Dufour, Artières, Glotin, Giraudet, Automatic bird classification based on MFCC clusters, ranked 4th @ ICML4B Kaggle 2013 competition, in Proc. of the 1st Int'l Wkp on Machine Learning for Bioacoustics (ICML 2013), p89-93, Atlanta, USA, 2013.
- - Balestriero, Glotin, Gabor scalogram for robust whale song representation, int'l Wkp on Neural Information proc. for bioacoustics NIPS4B, p2018-2028, Atlanta, USA, Ed. 2014.
Research reports
- - Descude, Prévot, Bruno, Glotin, The new SABIOD efficient low cost recording outdoor plateform (4x250kHz ultrasonic online recording on BeagleBoard), 2014.
- - Hauc, advisor Glotin, BSD SABIOD-JASON Plateform, testing and first runs on Port-Cros National Park, 2014.
- - Balestriero, Glotin, CIGAL: fast C++ sIGnal Analysis tool by waveLet, BSD licence, janv. 2015.
- - Enfon, advisor Glotin, Deep neural net for bird species bioacoustic classification, UTLN Research Report, sept. 2014.
Invited Talks / Conferences