Proceedings with previous Bird challenges

Book chapters

Journal papers


  • - Pavan, Favaretto (and support from SABIOD), Recording and analysis of italian soundscapes, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
  • - Glotin, Goëau, Joly, Rauber, Vellinga, Towards Scaled Bird Species Automatic Biacoustic Identification, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.
  • - Dufour, Glotin, Giraudet, Artières, Delcourt, Bas, Sannier, Liebault, Vigant, Buzon, Automatic classification of birds calls and songs from Provence, In Proc. of Ecology and Acoustics conference, MNHN Paris, 2014.

Workshop papers

Research reports


Invited Talks / Conferences